RSVP Forms
Below are a number of ways to RSVP for the Memorial Luncheon and Lecture.
If you plan to make a donation along with attending the luncheon ($50/person),
please take the sum of your luncheon tickets and donation and add it to the PayPal form.
Click below to select the RSVP form for the
luncheon ($50/person),
the lecture, and
optional donation
Lecture Only
Click below to select the RSVP form for the free lecture
As space is limited, an RSVP is essential. Please arrive at least 15 minutes prior to the 2:30 lecture.
Click below to select the RSVP form for the
free lecture and to add an optional donation to our society
Why Donate?
We would be grateful if you would consider donating to the Washington D.C. Society of the AIA. While our local society receives a small rebate from your national AIA membership, we rely on additional contributions from our local members to cover refreshments and other expenses related to our lectures and/or activities.
You may choose to make a specific contribution to any of our society’s three endowments, or you may opt for an unrestricted contribution to the society’s general fund:
Craft Travel Fellowship: This fund sponsors our Student Travel Fellowship, which helps a worthy student with the costs of attending the AIA Annual Meeting each year. In 2010, the Board voted to name the Fellowship in memory of our late member, Elisabeth Roberts Craft, who administered the Fellowship for 10 years until her death in 2009.
Davison Lecture Endowment: This fund was established in honor of Louise Dickey Davison, who served our local Washington, D.C. Society in numerous roles both as an officer and board member and who was commissioned by the national AIA in 1946 to conduct a survey of war damage to important museums in London and Berlin. The fund contributes to an annual lecture in her honor.
Howland Lecture Endowment: This fund sponsors an annual lecture, established in honor of Richard Hubbard Howland—archaeologist, architectural historian, and humanist––who had a long career at the Smithsonian Institution, during the course of which he held important positions in the Archaeological Institute of America, both at the national level and at the local level here in Washington, D.C. The annual Howland Lecture is one of the highlights of our Society’s lecture program, and this fund enables us to bring outstanding speakers to address our members and friends on current developments in the field of classical archaeology.